Paper Reviews

In most classes, we will be reading one or two research papers. You have to submit your paper reviews as plain-text file to Cornell Box folder. Name the file “firstame-lastname-month-day”. I expect you to submit reviews in the style of conference reviews: mention the strengths of the paper, its weaknesses and technical comments about the paper. The goal is to be positive and constructively critical. Submit the reviews before the lecture since I assume you have read the paper before coming to class.

Paper Discussions

In class, we will form a panel to discuss the papers. I (the instructor) will moderate a panel and you will take one of the following roles on the panel. These roles are taken from Colin Raffel and Alec Jacobsen’s role-playing paper-reading seminars and Stanford CS324 class’s panel roles.

  • Archaeologist: You’re an archeologist who must determine where this paper sits in the context of previous work. Find one older paper cited within the current paper that substantially influenced the current paper and be prepared to discuss what is new. Trace each aspect of the paper (e.g., model, training, data) back to prior work.

  • Academic Researcher: You’re a researcher who is working on a new project in this area. Propose an imaginary follow-up project not just based on the current but only possible due to the existence and success of the current paper.

  • Industry Practitioner: You’re an engineer wants to make good products. How will this paper influence what you do? Look at the experiments carefully - are the experiments compelling? Will you adopt a new method over a tried-and-true baseline? Is it worth the complexity and cost? Does it make you think differently?

  • Researcher: You are on the test-of-time award committee and are trying to assess the impact of this work after its publication. Find newer papers that cite this work and were substantially influenced by the current paper, or if the current paper is relatively new, think of possible new directions that the current paper could inspire.